Established in 2004, the Melbourne Prize Trust provides financial and professional development opportunities to artists by running the annual Melbourne Prize. A prestigious award in Melbourne’s arts and culture community, the prize operates in three-year cycles highlighting three artistic fields: literature, music and sculpture. Our proud, 15-year relationship with Melbourne Prize is our way of giving back to, supporting, and celebrating Melbourne's inimitable arts and culture. We were tasked with creating the concept, artistic direction and ways to engage new audiences for 2022’s music-focused Melbourne Prize.
Our concept was inspired by the poetry, science and sensorial experience of music, then expressed through shape, form and colour. We began with a chromatic circle or pitch constellation (a graphic representation of pitches used to describe musical scales), then explored the relationship between a pitch constellation and chromesthesia (a type of synaesthesia). This opened the door to motion, which led to an AR experience designed to engage visitors at Fed Square. The innovative AR element offered a fresh way to connect new audiences with this important cultural event, and to celebrate Melbourne’s incredible arts scene.